Nevada Legalized Marijuana, Now What? [FAQ]

  Unless you live under a cactus, you know by now that weed is legal in Nevada. In fact, marijuana had a big day on Election Day. With four more states passing recreational cannabis bills, the total number of states where you can legally smoke marijuana is eight, plus the District of Columbia. Four more […]

Marijuana and the Body

It’s well known by now that cannabis has a multitude of effects of the human body and the mind. What does marijuana do to your body? From red eyes to sleepiness, medical marijuana impacts multiple parts of the body and brain. Everyone responds differently to the cannabis plant. Some of these bodily changes can cause […]

Hippies, Hipsters and Marijuana

Many like to associate hippies with marijuana use. The 60s is sometimes known as “the golden days of cannabis history.” Even with all the Reefer Madness propaganda still being pushed, a lot of people began questioning how dangerous marijuana actually was. How much have the times changed since the days of hippies to now, the […]

Medical Marijuana Strain of the Month: Diamond OG

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Most medical marijuana patients who try the Diamond OG consider this strain something special as well. Medical Marijuana Strain: Guide to Diamond OG   Diamond OG is an indica strain known for its strong and long-lasting effects. This strain will lead to a full-body relaxation that only […]

Las Vegas ReLeaf October Staff Spotlight

Las Vegas ReLeaf marijuana dispensary would not be the same without our amazing staff members who work hard everyday to bring relief to local and traveling medical marijuana patients. The budtenders, cashiers, delivery agents, and more provide our patients with the compassion, knowledge, and “releaf” they need. This month we would like to highlight Las […]

Where the Candidates Stand on Marijuana

There are a lot of things that make this election cycle stand out from the rest. One of the topics up for debate is marijuana legalization. Which leads us to ask, what are the presidential candidates stance on marijuana? The truth is that neither candidate is as pro-cannabis as cannabis activities would like. But which […]

Veterans Talk Pot and the Benefits of Recreational Marijuana in Nevada

American veterans and soldiers have given their time and livelihood for our country. Many come back home with issues related to PTSD and other health problems. Now, they are getting together to talk about the benefits of recreational marijuana for these medical conditions, and how to get access to it when the VA doesn’t allow […]

Proposed Legislation to Regulate Medical Marijuana Edibles in Nevada

The medical marijuana industry is a saving grace for those who suffer from chronic and painful conditions, including Crohn’s disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS and many more. The cannabis plant has caused a total of zero overdose deaths, making it a safe alternative to many legal prescription drugs that can cause death and addiction. However, everything good […]

Are you over 21 years of age?

 This site is intended for adults who are of the legal age to purchase cannabis in their jurisdiction. By entering this site, you confirm that you are at least 21 years old (or of legal age in your jurisdiction), and agree to our website’s terms and conditions. If you are not of legal age, please do not enter this site.