Unique Marijuana Smoking Pieces

Smoking marijuana usually requires a smoking device of some kind. For medical marijuana patients, using a quality smoking piece is a must when taking your medication. See the following examples of quality and unique marijuana smoking pieces and consider upgrading your marijuana smoking device to a high quality, uniquely created and artistically beautiful design. Marijuana […]

Big Pharma’s Attempt at Making Medical Marijuana-based Drugs

The cannabis industry is making a big splash in the medical world. With so many medical ailments and conditions marijuana can effectively treat, many people are turning their backs on pharmaceuticals for a more natural alternative. In response, the pharmaceutical industry is looking for a way to make a profit and not lose any more […]

You Know Marijuana is Medically Beneficial When…

You know marijuana has medical benefits when the nation’s largest drugstore just posted an article discussing its many possible medical benefits. You’ve read that right – Walgreens wants to talk about marijuana, and we’re listening. Reading through the post, it’s not exactly clear on which side Walgreens stands in the marijuana legalization debate. In fact, […]

Why Grandma and Grandpa Need Medical Marijuana

Did you know that Americans 65 years and older only account for 14 percent of the nation’s population but use more than 30 percent of all prescription drugs? These prescription drugs include highly-addictive painkillers among an array of other pills consumed daily. Up until now, seniors have historically been the most opposed to medical marijuana. […]

Las Vegas ReLeaf Medical Marijuana Strain of the Month: Kosher Kush

Las Vegas ReLeaf’s May strain of the month is none other than Kosher Kush, a strong indica strain averaging over 20% THC. Despite its name, Kosher Kush is not a rabbi-blessed cannabis. However, according to Reserva Privada, Kosher Kush originated in LA and was jokingly referred to as “Jew’s Gold.” Unhappy with the name, but […]

420 Legally Celebrated in Vegas

Las Vegas now has a “green district” that includes Las Vegas ReLeaf, and it was popping on 4/20. Now that medical marijuana dispensaries are legally open throughout the city, 4/20 (a day to celebrate cannabis culture) medical marijuana patients celebrated in style. Many dispensaries, including Las Vegas ReLeaf, celebrated the stoner holiday with specials, raffle […]

Las Vegas ReLeaf Medical Marijuana Online Ordering

Las Vegas ReLeaf is proud to announce that medical marijuana online ordering is now available. Looking for high-quality medical marijuana you can just order online? Then we are the dispensary for you. Not only can you order online but, thanks to our new delivery services, you can get your product delivered right to your door. […]

Las Vegas ReLeaf Dispensary Tour with WeedMaps

WeedMaps recently stopped by Las Vegas ReLeaf to discover more about our facility, our mission and our medicine. Our very own marketing director, Jacob Silverstein, gave them the tour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB3KO0uDhuE&feature=youtu.be Las Vegas ReLeaf serves the marijuana patient community of southern Nevada. Because of Nevada’s reciprocity law, Las Vegas ReLeaf also accepts out-of-state patients and international […]

Are you over 21 years of age?

 This site is intended for adults who are of the legal age to purchase cannabis in their jurisdiction. By entering this site, you confirm that you are at least 21 years old (or of legal age in your jurisdiction), and agree to our website’s terms and conditions. If you are not of legal age, please do not enter this site.